Selected investments
Blockchain infrastructure
With Fairmint startups can turn their company’s equity into programable equity by putting it on the blockchain, instead of holding paper titles through a broker (ie, Carta) or a lawyer.
Every developer that wants to develop an app, exchange, e-wallet, or whatever other services that deal with fiat & crypto, can just plug into Zero Hash’s APIs and start building.
Everyone can become a juror in a dispute, help resolve it and get paid to do so.
Back in May, the Vega team shared with us their vision of democratizing access to financial products that up until now were available to traditional, capital heavy entities only.
Today we are excited to announce our investment in Multis along with Y Combinator, Coinbase, eFounders and the CEO of Compound.
Multis is a small efficient team that was a part of YC’19 batch. We were extremely happy to meet them before they join, being one of the very few investors to back them while still in YC.